Sunday 24 January 2010

You should have recieved your copy of RMT News by now and if you happen to thumb through the very informative pages you'll come across . RMT junction is our very own social networking site where you can get involved with discussions with fellow union members from your branch and the many thousands of members of the RMT specialist transport union.

No matter what branch or section of the union you belong to remember that we are all working people whether employed or self-employed. RMT Junction will provide you with a platform and forum to organise local campaigns, talk about your favourite football/rugby team or band, place pictures, newsletters, blog and even embed video from Youtube. If you haven't already turn to pages 14/15 of RMT News log on to your pc or laptop and sign up to RMT Junction and while your busy registering remember we have RMT email addresses for all members at . Time for us all to move into the 21st Century and get better connected for information is key not just for day to day business but organising effective demonstrations and keeping as many of us informed of current trade issues/matters.

Yet again the RMT specialist transport union leads the way with modern up to date technologies designed to ensure we are all better connected and informed. so if you haven't already joined log onto and sign up online or you can request an application by post by emailing the branch secretary at .